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Mr Photaug guy has a pretty good pussy getting hustle. He hooks ups with chics & offers them modeling work. He has one HELL of a studio & it's usually all it takes to get what ever he wants. When Maddie see's some BDSM equipment, she starts to leave. He pounces. Carrying her kicking & screaming back into the dungeon. A good slam followed by a kick to the gut does noting but inspire a spirt of escape in lil Maddie. It takes a few days to soften her up. She takes to the rapin much better after some punching & electrocution. After the cum is dumped on Maddie's face, she is useless. The leather cuts into her neck, making the veines pop out. She flips around like a wild animal in a snare. Her spirit allows her to survive a 5 minute strangling tell she dies at the end. Once dead He goes out to did another hole. He comes back for her.